Toi-Toys hecht waarde aan maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen

Corporate social responsibility: keeping an eye out for people and the environment

Toi-Toys considers it important to make progress in the field of sustainability. All of this begins with raising awareness about this issue. We take responsibility in this regard and handle human and environmental aspects with care.

Improved working conditions

We prioritize ensuring that our products are manufactured under good, fair, and safe conditions in factories of all the suppliers we work with. We monitor this in the selection of our suppliers. We believe that successful business and sustainability go hand in hand. We are a member of Amfori BSCI, and our suppliers must have BSCI certification C or higher. If a supplier has certification D, we support the supplier in achieving a BSCI C certification.

Reducing ecological footprint 

Reducing our ecological footprint is a key focus for Toi-Toys. We focus on reducing packaging materials, using recyclable materials and lowering CO2 emissions throughout the entire chain. We achieve this, among other things, by:

Onze verpakkingen zijn 100% PVC vrij. We werken ernaar toe om in 2025 voor 100% van onze verpakkingen gebruik te maken van FSC gecertificeerd karton


Our packaging is 100% PVC-free. We aim to use FSC-certified cardboard for 100% of our packaging by 2025. Additionally, we are transitioning to the use of paper tape.

Good employer

At Toi-Toys, we highly value a work environment in which all our employees feel at home. To achieve this, we invest in a safe working environment, the health of our staff and the training and development of our employees on both personal and professional levels. In the Toi-Toys company building, there is a gym that all our employees are welcome to use free of charge.

A sense of unity is highly regarded at Toi-Toys. We foster this by encouraging teamwork, helping each other and celebrating shared successes.

At Toi-Toys, corporate social responsibility and being a good employer go hand in hand because we believe that a good working environment is the foundation for a sustainable future for us all.


As contributor, Toi-Toys cares deeply about various charities.

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